Pan troglodytes (errata version published in 2018)


Assessment Information: Although Pan troglodytes is the most abundant and widespread of the great apes, and many populations exist in protected areas, the declines that have occurred are expected to continue, satisfying the criteria for an Endangered listing (Oates 2006). Due to high levels of poaching, infectious diseases, and loss of habitat and habitat quality caused by expanding human activities, this species is estimated to have experienced a significant population reduction in the past 20–30 years and it is suspected that this reduction will continue for the next 30–40 years. Due to their slow life history and a generation time estimated to be 25 years, Chimpanzee populations cannot sustain high levels of mortality, whether disease-induced or caused by poaching. The maximum population reduction over a three-generation (75 year) period from 1975 to 2050 is suspected to exceed 50%, hence qualifying this taxon as Endangered under criterion A. Although conservation efforts directed at Chimpanzees and other wildlife have increased significantly in recent years, the assumption that population reductions will continue is a precautionary approach based on the rapid growth of human populations in sub-Saharan Africa, continuing poaching for bushmeat, the commercial bushmeat trade, the arrival of industrial agriculture (which requires clearcutting of forest), corruption and lack of law enforcement, lack of capacity and resources, and political instability in some range states. At the same time, zoonosis and disease outbreaks present significant risks; there is, for example, evidence that Ebolavirus will continue to spreadin some parts of the Chimpanzee's geographic range(Walshet al.2005)

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