Monitoring Industry Initiatives to Improve the Homebuying and Selling Process


This report assesses a number of industry-led initiatives designed to speed up the process of buying and selling a home. The study is intended to inform the future changes in the system of home buying and selling in England and Wales, and it is the second study of three being prepared by Martin Hamblin for the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). The first study, "The key to easier home buying and selling" (DETR 1998) looked at bottlenecks in the system and consumer and professionals' suggestions for change. One of these suggestions was the introduction of a seller's pack, already being used by several companies in different locations. This report provides a detailed look at the operation, content and success of full and part seller's packs and how the industry views these. The third report in the series will be an assessment of a pilot seller's pack scheme in the Bristol area, being supported by the DETR

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