
The theme of isolation in the Novellen of Theodor Storm and Ferdinand von Saar


I have set out in this thesis to analyse the theme of isolation as it is presented in the Novellen of Theodor Storm and Ferdinand von Saar. The introduction defines the term 'isolation' and indicates how the Phenomenon has always occupied an important place in the thoughts and writings of men. It goes on to show how isolation was part of the personal experience of both writers, and suggests that since there is a certain autobiographical element in their work it is likely that this experience is reflected in their Novellen. The study then turns to the Novellen themselves, analysing first of all the various factors that cause human isolation and then the various types of character who are susceptible to this experience. The state of isolation is then analysed, and the various techniques employed by the respective writers to indicate the condition are treated. From this there follows a survey of the ways in which characters react to the state of isolation and the means they use to counteract it. In the course of the study I have attempted to bring out the differences and similarities in the work and ideas of the two writers. In the conclusion I have reiterated the main points of the study and shown that Storm and Saar considered isolation to be a universal human experience. For the purposes of reference during the reading of the thesis, the appendix contains a list of the Novellen of both writers, together with their dates of composition and first publication.<p

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