A Skywatcher HEQ5-Pro motorised mount and Starlight Express Superstar CCD guide camera with OpenCV image processing were tested in use as a solar tracker. The best performance in RA and declination respectively was 0.00 ± 6.15 arcseconds and −1.32 ± 6.62 arcseconds. This compares favourably with data captured on the standard BiSON mount in Carnarvon where the RA precision was measured to be 0.158 ± 8.434 arcseconds and declination −0.066 ± 3.823 arcseconds. The spectrometer was temporarily modified to accept a fibre-feed from the new mount. A low-frequency "footprint" was present in the data residuals that was not resolved, but otherwise results were as expected and comparable to the standard network performance. Two WiFi access points were installed, providing coverage over the whole tower