Extending the Operating Range of Electric Spring using Back-To-Back Converter: Hardware Implementation and Control


This paper presents the first hardware implementation and control of an electric spring based on a back-to-back converter configuration. Because of its ability to provide both active and reactive power compensation, this back-to-back electric spring (ES-B2B) can substantially extend the operating range of the original version of the electric spring (ES-1) and provide enhanced voltage support and suppression functions. The hardware system and control of the ES-B2B have been successfully developed and tested. The experimental results have confirmed the effectiveness of the ES-B2B in supporting and suppressing the mains voltage. Particularly, the voltage suppression ability of the ES-B2B is superior over that of ES-1. The use of ES-B2B in a simulation study of a weak power grid has also been conducted. The ES-B2B has been found to be highly effective in mitigating voltage fluctuation caused by intermittent renewable power generation

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