Parallel algorithms for three dimensional electrical impedance tomography


This thesis is concerned with Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), an imaging technique in which pictures of the electrical impedance within a volume are formed from current and voltage measurements made on the surface of the volume. The focus of the thesis is the mathematical and numerical aspects of reconstructing the impedance image from the measured data (the reconstruction problem). The reconstruction problem is mathematically difficult and most reconstruction algorithms are computationally intensive. Many of the potential applications of EIT in medical diagnosis and industrial process control depend upon rapid reconstruction of images. The aim of this investigation is to find algorithms and numerical techniques that lead to fast reconstruction while respecting the real mathematical difficulties involved. A general framework for Newton based reconstruction algorithms is developed which describes a large number of the reconstruction algorithms used by other investigators. Optimal experiments are defined in terms of current drive and voltage measurement patterns and it is shown that adaptive current reconstruction algorithms are a special case of their use. This leads to a new reconstruction algorithm using optimal experiments which is considerably faster than other methods of the Newton type. A tomograph is tested to measure the magnitude of the major sources of error in the data used for image reconstruction. An investigation into the numerical stability of reconstruction algorithms identifies the resulting uncertainty in the impedance image. A new data collection strategy and a numerical forward model are developed which minimise the effects of, previously, major sources of error. A reconstruction program is written for a range of Multiple Instruction Multiple Data, (MIMD), distributed memory, parallel computers. These machines promise high computational power for low cost and so look promising as components in medical tomographs. The performance of several reconstruction algorithms on these computers is analysed in detail

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