Stable Lagrange poits of large planets as possible regions where WIMPS could be sought


In this paper we show that the physical properties of the Lagrange points of large planets could provide an effective mechanism for trapping dark matter, if dark matter really exists in our solar system. Certainly, the familiar trapping mechanism of a potential well combined with some dissipative processes is not a good candidate for particles like WIMPs which are supposed to be very slippery. However, in each of the Lagrange regions, L4 and L5, of large planets the potential has a maximum which together with the Coriolis force provides an effective trapping mechanism without the need of any kind of friction. This is a purely inertial and gravitational mechanism with no assumptions on other possible interactions. Hence if the density of dark matter is not negligible in this part of the universe, a direct experiment to be considered is the establishment of a satellite in orbit around one of the stable Lagrange points, L4 or L5, of Jupiter

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