What does it mean for a scientist and artist to work together to create works that are a true fusion of their research and how can this experience feed back into broadening an appreciation and understanding of the world around us? A tale of how a meeting between an artist and microscopist led to a series of joint events for the Max Planck Day at their Institute for Plant Breeding Research (Max-PlanckInstitut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung, MPIPZ) in Cologne.
Barley Tales documents a collaboration between Rob Kesseler and the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, as part of their anniversary celebration for the founder Max Planck. On the initiative of Ulla Neuman from the CeMic lab and Marine Przybyl (Ivan Acosta Group) at the Institute I was invited to use their microscopy facility to develop a new collection of micro images of mutant and normal barley samples to form the basis for a series of events for a public open day. The events included a joint lecture, exhibition and microscopy workshop