Consultation training in the UK: An exploratory qualitative analysis of current pre-service teaching and learning for trainee educational & child psychologists (ECPs)


INTRODUCTION: Competent consultation practice is critical to taking up the professional role of applied psychology practitioner in diverse contexts. This first paper reports a qualitative survey of 10 university staff delivering consultation training to doctoral students in the UK. MATERIAL & METHODS: Telephone interviews were conducted to explore i) theoretical models, course content and teaching practices ii) structure of consultation training iii) supervision of consultation (including tutor observation and use of resources e.g. video) and (iv) assessment approaches used v) evaluation in terms of student, consultee and client outcomes. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed and thematic analysis used to analyse findings. RESULTS: Emerging themes relating to consultation process skills, content in the context of theoretical models, challenges and opportunities in relation to assessment and evaluation are presented. The place of supervision, ethics and equities are critically appraised. CONCLUSION: The role of professional associations in promoting frameworks to support best practice are discussed

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