Quantitative threat analysis via a logical service


It is increasingly important to analyze system security quantitatively using concepts such as trust, reputation, cost, and risk. This requires a thorough understanding of how such concepts should interact so that we can validate the assessment of threats, the choice of adopted risk management, etc.. To this end, we propose a declarative language Peal+ in which the interaction of such concepts can be rigorously described and analyzed. Peal+ has been implemented in PEALT using the SMT solver Z3 as analysis back-end. PEALT's code generators target complex back-ends and evolve with optimizations or new back-ends. Thus we can neither trust the tool chain nor feasibly prove correctness of all involved artefacts. We eliminate the need to trust that tool chain by independently certifying scenarios found by back-ends in a manner agnostic of code generation and choice of back-end. This scenario validation is compositional, courtesy of Kleene's 3-valued logic and potential re nement of scenarios. We prove the correctness of this validation, discuss how PEALT presents scenarios to further users' understanding, and demonstrate the utility of this approach by showing how it can express attack-countermeasure trees so that the interaction of attack success probability, attack cost, and attack impact can be analyzed

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