The "double life" of an i-Pod: a case study of the educational potential of new technologies


This presentation outlines a case study conducted at the University of Leicester in the UK to examine the learning opportunities offered by technological developments in information and entertainment domains. The study forms a part of a national research project funded by the UK Higher Education Academy to examine student learning experiences through new e-learning technologies. The study explores how a ‘peripheral technology’, originally intended for entertainment and business can become a ‘core technology’ and be integrated into an institutional learning technology. The peripheral technology explored in the case study is the delivery of MP3 files for students to use via mobile devices with MP3 play back facility, such as iPods, dedicated MP3 players, and laptops – a simple form of technology that can be created by teachers with limited resources. Evidence of how student learning was supported by podcasts will be presented and an early model of creating pedagogically sound podcasts is outlined. [Text from the Introduction

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