Tackling loneliness evidence review


n 2018, some of us (Barreto, Matthews, Qualter, Victor) contributed to an ESRC Think Piece on Loneliness and recommended that there needed to be increased investment from UKRI for research examining loneliness. We highlighted key gaps in the evidence and suggested those areas for priority funding. Since then, there has been increased investment for research on loneliness from UKRI and some of those evidence gaps have or are being filled. However, some have not been addressed and there remain important gaps to fill. In the 2018 ESRC Think Piece, the following recommendations were made: (1) the monitoring of loneliness and its drivers and consequences across the population and among specific subgroups, (2) the capturing of changes in prevalence or groups most affected by transient loneliness, with a view to understanding when and how it becomes chronic, (3) comparisons of local estimates of loneliness with national estimates, and (4) greater measurement consistency for population level surveys. In the first section of our review, we discuss the extent to which those recommendations have been endorsed, with new funding and knowledge made available

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