
LSE Lit Fest 2017 Book Review: the French Revolution: from enlightenment to tyranny by Ian Davidson


In The French Revolution: From Enlightenment to Tyranny, Ian Davidson offers a new examination of the diverse factors that converged to spark and propel this crucial historical event. While the breadth of the book is occasionally overwhelming and characterised more by description than explanation, its rich detail highlights the intricacies of the French Revolution without centralising the role played by any one trend, figure or group, finds Roberto A. Castelar. This book review is inspired by LSE’s Space for Thought Literary Festival 2017, which runs from Monday 20 February – Saturday 25 February 2017. This year’s theme is Revolutions – not only marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution, but also other anniversaries of revolutions in literature, international relations, politics, religion and science. Tickets to events are free and available here

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