
Brain waste: the deskilling of London’s migrant professionals


by Riad Azar, Doctoral researcher in the LSE’s Department of Sociology “I still feel like a nurse, man.” Hugo heaved out a long sigh through his nose. We had been sitting in the kitchen of my flat for an hour. The tea he requested when the interview began had chilled; his back curved forward, resting his elbows on his knees to make a nest for his head in his hands. After discussing at length Hugo’s childhood, his dreams and desires, anecdotes of his father, his journey to London and the life he lives as a trained and experienced ICU nurse pouring beer at a pub in King’s Cross, I moved the interview forward by presenting him with a hypothetical: I: Have you ever had to use your skills, as, say someone falling down on a bus? H: Not yet, actually…[sigh] I would maybe not be the best, because that’s one year and a half I haven’t been practising…No, I’m losing my skills man, [pause, to himself] I’m losing them definitely

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