User guide for the British Geological Survey Blockfields dataset


This report presents a description of the Blockfields dataset developed by the British Geological Survey (BGS). The dataset provides screening-level data that gives an indication of the geological suitability of the subsurface for the presence of blockfields. The dataset is designed to be used by those involved in the strategic assessment of the subsurface for the management or development of sites in Great Britain. It may be particularly valuable for spatial planners and local authorities who wish to undertake a strategic assessment. The dataset is derived from a combination of BGS national datasets and the DTM of Great Britain at 5m resolution © Bluesky International Limited elevation data to show the environmental suitability for blockfield presence in Great Britain. The approach was developed by geologists using basic landscape characteristics from a large sample of observed blockfields, and implemented by specialists in geologically derived products at BGS. The purpose of this user guide is to enable those licensing this dataset to have a better appreciation of how this dataset has been created and therefore gain a better understanding of its potential applications and limitations

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