Physical factors contributing to rural water supply functionality performance in Ethiopia


This report communicates the findings generated from one of the project surveys – deconstruction and forensic analysis of 50 individual water points in Ethiopia. The report presents the new data generated to Ethiopia’s groundwater resource potential; the nature and condition of hand-pump borehole installations; and the significance of both of these factors to service performance. Based on the evidence collected, the survey results indicate the main physical factors most likely to affect functionality performance within the Ethiopian Highlands are the relatively deep depth to groundwater and the poor condition of handpump components. The impact of these factors to functionality performance can be mitigated through appropriate pump technology choice (e.g. use of deeper handpump boreholes (HPB) lift design), handpump construction, and adequate accessibility to repairs and maintenance capacity with breakdowns. These factors should not, however, be considered to be the only driving forces of functionality outcomes in these regions of Ethiopia, and the results of this survey need to be examined alongside the wider project findings. Wider institutional arrangements, resources and dynamics, are likely to play a significant role in the implementation of appropriate borehole construction, siting and design; procurement processes; and the management capacity available for water points at national to local levels

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