
Characterisation, modelling and mapping of inland landslides using Laser Scanning and GPS


BGS capabilities in geomorphological mapping and slope monitoring have been significantly improved by the acquisition of a high-accuracy global positioning system (GPS) and terrestrially based LIght Distance And Ranging system (LIDAR). This equipment was originally purchased and developed by the BGS CliffScan project, (Project leader Peter Hobbs), part of the Coastal Geoscience and Global Change Programme. The aim of this project is to carry out sequential surveying and modelling of the changing profiles of various sites around the coast of England. Cliff sections provided a good basis for the scanning process, providing the user with good vertical and horizontal sections, constantly changing profiles and stable targets for back-sites (at most locations). The cliff sections also provided definitive breaks of slope i.e. the cliff junction with beach deposits and the top cliff line, which could also be recorded with the GPS. The development programme, undertaken as part of CliffScan has enabled BGS to gain experience in mapping and scanning coastal features. (Hobbs et al 2002, Gibson et al 2003 and Jones 2003). This experience has been applied and further developed by the Landslides Project for the application of these techniques to inland landsides

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