
Organic geochemistry of Palaeozoic Source Rocks, Orcadian Study Area, North Sea, UK


A systematic screening of TOC, Rock-Eval and vitrinite reflectance data extracted from released legacy well reports was undertaken with the aim of providing a data based, regional overview of source rock intervals and their levels of maturity. Released, publicly available data is sparse; much of the data for the Devonian of the Orcadian Basin is contained with confidential commercial reports (see Greenhalgh (2016) for a literature review of available information with regards to source rocks and migrated Palaeozoic oils in this area). The regional screening approach used and technical parameters are described in Vane et al. (2015). The detailed stratigraphy is presented in Whitbread and Kearsey (2016; see Figure 2) and this regional screening is incorporated into the basin modelling work of Vincent (2016) and petroleum systems synthesis of Monaghan et al. (2016)

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