
Carboniferous stratigraphical correlation and interpretation in the Irish Sea


This report systematically details the stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Carboniferous rocks of the UK Irish Sea for the 21CXRM Palaeozoic project. Each stratigraphical group of Carboniferous or Permian age is described in turn. This report describes the stratigraphical correlation of Carboniferous strata of the report area using principally well data, but incorporates information from new seismic interpretations (Pharaoh et al., 2016a) to identify key unconformities. The report provides: a systematic description of a spatially and temporally variable Carboniferous succession; Permian strata are also described for the succession above the Variscan Unconformity; a full incorporation of onshore knowledge is provided given the often limited offshore well data; a series of four correlation panels of key offshore and onshore wells/boreholes; a series of eight palaeogeogeographical maps which highlight the potential regional distribution of source and reservoir rock facies through selected time intervals during the Carboniferous. A spreadsheet of well tops accompanies this report

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