The British Geological Survey (BGS) has been highlighting the need for modern, multi-sensor airborne geophysical data in the UK. Here David Beamish, geophysicist with the BGS, describes the first trial airborne electromagnetic data acquired and its relevance to environmental geoscience. The lack of modern, multi-sensor (magnetic, radiometric and electromagnetic) data represents one of the most serious gaps in the geoscience knowledge base of the UK, and a national, high resolution airborne survey has been a stated corporate objective for many years. In 1999, the fixed-wing, frequency domain, airborne EM (AEM) system developed and operated by the Geological Survey of Finland was used in a series of trials to acquire detailed EM data sets in addition to magnetic gradiometer (wing-tip) and radiometric information. The purpose of the trials was, in part, to assess the case for the inclusion of AEM in future strategic airborne geophysical surveying. The limited data acquired (3324 line km in 5 days’ flying) constitute the first high resolution AEM survey information to address specific environmental issues in the UK. It was anticipated that the AEM data would provide pathfinder information for the general assessment of land quality issues such as planning and pollution control and water supply/resource protection