A Framework for Developing a Cohesive Set of Remote Laboratories for Distributed Distance Learning Settings


The use of distance learning technology in distributed educational environments has allowedengineering courses to be delivered to locations and populations that have historically not beenafforded opportunities for involvement. However, efforts to incorporate distance-learningprinciples into physical laboratory exercises have not yet led to a general mechanism orprocedure for performing physical labs remotely. The opportunity to be able to fully coverphysical laboratory exercises in distance learning setting would not only significantly enhancethe student learning experience, it would also enable less privileged educational institutions tooffer programs to a much broader target group of potential students who under no circumstancesare able to travel and attend on-site sessions. In this paper, the authors present an overview ofthe field of remote or tele-operated physical laboratories how they can be implemented throughtoday’s technologies. Templates for developing a cohesive set of remote laboratories areidentified along with Nemours IT considerations. In addition to the requirements related totechnology, educational impacts are addressed. An example of a Control Systems experiment isthen presented as an example of a functioning remote laboratory

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