An ultrasound study of lingual coarticulation in children and adults


There have been a number of studies which compared coarticulatory patterns in children and adults, but these studies have produced conflicting results, particularly with respect to anticipatory lingual coarticulation. This study used articulatory measures derived from ultrasound imaging, in order to establish any differences between child and adult coarticulatory patterns, and to quantify the degree of variability in children's and adults' productions. The participants were four adults and four normally developing children aged 6 to 9 years, all speakers of Standard Scottish English. The data were the syllables /i/, /u/ and /a/, in the carrier phrase It's a -_ Pam- (ten repetitions). Synchronised ultrasound and acoustic data were recorded using the Queen Margaret University ultrasound system. Extent of consonantal coarticulation and within-speaker variation in child and adult productions were compared according to a new ultrasound-based measure of coarticulation. A significantly greater amount of anticipatory lingual coarticulation was found in children than in adults. Much within-group variability was observed, in both age groups. Within-speaker variability was significantly greater in children than in adults. These results are in agreement with some previous studies. Possible reasons are discussed for some of the contradictions in the literature on child and adult coarticulation.casl[1]. E.H. Buder. Experimental phonology with acoustic phonetic methods: formant measures from child speech. In B. Bernhardt, J. Gilbert, & D. Ingram (Eds), Proceedings of the UBC International Conference on Phonological Acquisition. Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 254-265, 1996. [2]. W.F. Katz & S. Bharadwaj. Coarticulation in fricativevowel syllables produced by children and adults: a preliminary report. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 15:139-143, 2001. [3]. W.F. Katz, C. Kripke, & P. Tallal. Anticipatory coarticulation in the speech of adults and young children: acoustic, perceptual, and video data. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 34:1222-1232, 1991. [4]. R.D. Kent, R.D. The segmental organization of speech. In P.F. MacNeilage (Ed.), The Production of Speech. Springer-Verlag, New York, 57-89, 1983. [5]. L. Nijland, B. Maassen, S. Van der Meulen, F. Gabriels, F.W. Kraaimaat, & R. Schreuder. Coarticulation patterns in children with developmental apraxia of speech. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 16:461-483, 2002. [6]. S. Nittrouer, M. Studdert-Kennedy, & R.S. McGowan. The emergence of phonetic segments: evidence from the spectral structure of fricative-vowel syllables spoken by children and adults. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 32:120-132, 1989. [7]. S. Nittrouer, M. Studdert-Kennedy, & S.T. Neely. How children learn to organize their speech gestures: further evidence from fricative-vowel syllables. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 39:379-389, 1996. [8]. J. Sankaranarayanan, H. Samet, & A. Varshney. A fast all nearest neighbour algorithm for applications involving large point-clouds. Computers & Graphics, 31:157-174, 2007. [9]. J.A. Sereno, A.R. Baum, G. Cameron Marean, & P. Lieberman. Acoustic analyses and perceptual data on anticipatory labial coarticulation in adults and children. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81:512-519, 1987. [10]. K.A. Siren & K.A. Wilcox. Effects of lexical meaning and practiced productions on coarticulation in children's and adults' speech. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 38:351-359, 1995. [11]. H.M. Sussman, K.A. Hoemeke, & H.A. McCaffrey. Locus equations as an index of coarticulation for place of articulation distinctions in children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 35:769-781, 1992. [12]. A.E. Thompson & T.J. Hixon. Nasal air flow during normal speech production. Cleft Palate Journal, 16:412- 420, 1979. [13]. Y. Vazquez Alvarez and N. Hewlett. The trough effect: an ultrasound study. Phonetica, 65:105-121, 2007. [14]. N. Zharkova. Quantification of coarticulatory effects in several Scottish English phonemes using ultrasound. QMU Speech Science Research Centre Working Papers, WP-13, 2007pub243pu

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