Enhancing and harmonising the strategic management of UNESCO’s Goodwill Ambassador Programme (Policy Brief 11)


This brief was produced for the UK government's National Commission to UNESCO while both authors were members of its Scotland Committee. Its recommendations were immediately presented as UK policy at UNESCO, used as the basis for a Resolution proposed by the UK delegation, was adopted by the UNESCO's Executive Board in April 2013 and was ratified in November 2013 as global UNESCO policy.UNESCO's Honorary and Goodwill Ambassador Programme (GWAP) has successfully deployed prominent individuals and celebrity advocates to help focus the world's attention on the ideals, goals and work of UNESCO. Moves to rationalise GWA activity across the UN since 2003 have led to a number of developments for UNESCO's GWAP. This policy brief offers observations on how the GWAP can move forward in the context of UNESCO's Partnership Strategy, highlighting key challenges that should be addressed for the long-term strategic benefit of the programme and making recommendations for good practice. Building on UNESCO's strategy, this paper recommends that further scrutiny and development of the programme be focused on GWA selection, work structure, terms of reference and programme evaluation.div_MCaPApub4767pu

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