Comprehensive Reassessment of NNS in Welsh marinas


Invasive non-native species constitute one of the leading threats to natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and also impose an economic cost on a range of human enterprises, including aquaculture and leisure boating. This project aimed to update the distribution of marine non-native species (NNS) in Wales, provide training and improved resources for key stakeholders in identification of NNS, and give guidance on biosecurity measures and recording schemes. Rapid assessment surveys (RAS) were carried out at 15 marinas from Conwy to Cardiff, providing detailed current distributions of 20 non-native species along the Welsh coast; this data is of relevance to the establishment of baselines for MSFD monitoring of Good Environmental Status. The most significant observations were the arrival of the kelp Undaria pinnatifida in N and S Wales, and the ongoing colonisation of additional sites by species already present, in particular the sea squirts Corella eumyota and Asterocarpa humilis, and the tube-worm Ficopomatus enigmaticus

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