A new ERA? Electronic records in ambulances: a research programme.


In order to support the continued shift to out of hospital care, ambulance clinicians need to be able to decide which patients will benefit from being left at home, refer to alternative care providers, and ensure that appropriate patient information is passed on to them. Technology can help in a number of ways. Firstly, apps and referral tools can aid decision-making at the scene. Secondly, technology can facilitate the transfer of patient information to ambulance clinicians at the scene or even before arrival, e.g. by sharing information on past contacts with a GP, or on a DNACPR directive. Thirdly, it can support real time remote sharing of information so that, for example, an ED consultant can advise about the appropriate conveyance and care decisions while the patient is still at home. Fourthly, it can support the easy transfer of patient information to other care providers like GPs. Finally, electronic records can make data more readily available for audit, research and evaluation (Morrison et al., 2014). Data can be used in future research to inform service improvements, as well as providing ambulance services with a valuable store of information to run automated clinical and management reports, as well as defending against medico-legal action

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