Evaluation multicritère pour la rénovation thermique des bâtiments en maçonnerie.


In Algeria, the residential and tertiary sectors are the ones with the highest energy consumption, making use of 34% of the total energy ; consequently, the government has launched a thermal renovation program for existing buildings to reduce this consumption. Knowing that the existing stock has 1.050.000 of masonry dwelling built before 1945 and that these same dwellings are subject to a rehabilitation program, thermal renovation of these would both guarantee their preservations and reduce energy consumption. Thermal renovation of masonry buildings is a complex decision, it needs a comprehensive approach as it simultaneously involves a multitude of criteria (energy consumption, investment cost, etc) including risks related to the heritage preservation as the loss of building historic aesthetic features and the fabric decay in the walls, floor or roof due to moisture accumulation. This paper presents a decision aid method based on the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation, Promethee methods for the thermal renovation of masonry buildings with a heritage value. The aim of this method is to rank the different thermal renovation solution. The method uses a multi-criteria approach that includes risks related to the heritage preservation. A case study was investigated to test the method, as expected the method works, it was possible to get a full ranking of the thermal renovation

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