Managing and Delivering Gypsy and Traveller Sites: negotiating conflict


The many symptoms of failure to provide sufficient sites to accommodate Gypsies and Travellers include poor health, anxiety, and an increasing disconnect from the broader community with Gypsies and Travellers, and poorer education outcomes for their children. Council officers and elected members receive complaints about unauthorised encampments and have difficulty responding if there are no appropriate alternatives. This is a complex problem with no ‘quick fix’ solution. But it is possible to deliver well-managed Gypsy and Traveller sites and, where that is achieved, encampments and associated problems also reduce. The evidence also shows that it is more cost effective than expensive police and court action to deal with unauthorised sites. Whilst challenges were found in the research, this report aims to bring balance and make counter arguments to the pervasive notion that all sites are problematic and that Gypsy and Traveller issues belong in the ‘too difficult’ pile of things to do by local authorities. The overriding message is that sites can be well-managed, sustainable and vital elements of a diverse community. Challenges can be overcome. Inequalities in treatment of Gypsies and Travellers must be addressed, and one element of that – an essential first step – is the provision of sufficient, appropriate, well-managed accommodation. The report, Managing and Delivering Gypsy and Traveller sites: negotiating conflict by Jo Richardson and Janie Codona MBE, looks in detail and with many case examples at what councils and housing associations are doing to develop and manage Gypsy and Traveller sites. Because it is the most detailed practical study in recent years, in which dozens of sites were visited and many interviews held with residents and with responsible staff, it will be invaluable for those who are planning, providing or managing sites. It is also a call to action for those councils who are ignoring the issue

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