Security of Systems on Chip


The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.In recent years, technology has started to evolve to become more power efficient, powerful in terms of processors and smaller in size. This evolution of electronics has led microprocessors and other components to be merged to form a circuit called System-on-Chip. If we are to make a vast and cursory comparison between SoC and microcontrollers, microprocessors, and CPUs; we would come to the conclusion of SoCs being a single chip, doing all the things the other components can do yet without needing any external parts. So SoCs are computers just by themselves. Furthermore, SoCs have more memory than microcontrollers in general. Being a computer just by themselves allows them also to become servers. Nowadays, an SoC may be regarded also as a Server-on-Chi

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