This is a joint publication in collaboration with Centre for Water Systems at University of Exeter. This research is based on my previous work for Prof. Butler's project of "Safe and SuRe: A New Paradigm for Urban Water Management".A comprehensive assessment of resilience requires consideration of system performance under exceptional conditions, including those that are unforeseen, and can be achieved using a previously developed methodology called ‘global resilience analysis’ (GRA). GRA captures the effects of both probable and highly improbable (unknown probability) system failures and requires no knowledge of threats. Here, a simple, user-friendly tool that automates the simulations required for GRA of a water distribution system and assists comprehension of the results is presented. Provided the user can supply an Epanet .inp file for the system and that this contains demand data (an understanding of Epanet and system failure modelling is not necessary), the tool can be used to quantify the resilience of the system to pipe failure, pump failure, demand increase and contaminant intrusion. An interactive results explorer allows the user to easily identify critical system components based on the selected level of service type and failure measure (e.g. pressure, supply or contamination and failure magnitude or duration). A map of the network can be used to either color-code components based on their criticality in a single component failure analysis or to identify specific combinations of components which result in the greatest level of service failure magnitude or duration when failed simultaneously. ‘Stress-strain’ type response curves can also be automatically generated and key findings automatically extracted. Additionally, the tool enables systems to be compared on a like-for-like basis, enabling the effects of proposed interventions on resilience to be quantified and visualized