
The potential for a negotiated stopping approach in London


Travelling is a significant part of Gypsies and Travellers’ culture and way of life and many families continue to travel in and around London following in the footsteps of past generations. Being able to stop in safe and secure conditions and having access to basic facilities such as sanitation and waste disposal are essential to travelling. Negotiated stopping is a balanced and humane approach to managing roadside camps, based on a mutual agreement between the local authority and Gypsy and Traveller families on matters such as correct waste disposal and basic temporary facilities, sometimes directing Gypsy and Traveller communities away from contentious public spaces to more appropriate council land. This approach is proven to achieve significant savings in public spending and decreased social costs for Gypsy and Traveller communities. However, across London the preferred approach for most local authorities is rapid eviction of roadside families which has significant negative impacts

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