All workshop attendees and remote participants (identified in Table 1) are thanked for their contributions to presentations, discussion and this report. A. Audzijonyte, R. Allman, B. Bogstad, C. Champion, T. Essington, M. Haltuch, A. Haynie, T. Helser, E. Hjörleifsson, J. Morrongiello, M. Peck, G. Pecl, J. Pinnegar, M. Pinsky, C. Stawitz, B. Townhill, J. Thorson, and P.D. van Denderen contributed text to this report. George R. West is thanked for his participation in the public event. Jens Rasmussen assisted in the development of recommendations for future research. The assistance of Mindfully Wired Communications (Harriet Yates and Ginny Russell) is gratefully acknowledged.Publisher PD