Sensitivity of Colorectal Cancer to Arginine Deprivation Therapy is Shaped by Differential Expression of Urea Cycle Enzymes


We thank Polaris Pharmaceuticals and Bio-Cancer Treatment for providing drugs and reagents. This work was supported by the Cancer Prevention Research Trust, with assistance from the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund [097828/z/11/B], and Cancer Research UK in conjunction with the Department of Health as part of an Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre grant [C325/A15575]. C.A. was funded by a PhD fellowship from the Cancer Prevention Research Trust, S.S.A. was funded by a studentship from the Iraqi Government. We are thankful to John Bomalaski and Sara Galavotti for their critical reading of the manuscript and insightful suggestions. Finally, we are profoundly indebted to Professor Andreas Gescher for his constant support during the execution of this project and the writing of this manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

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