
Estilo de vida de acadêmicos de educação física da UFSC


Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, Florianópolis, 2013.O estilo de vida é caracterizado por padrões de comportamentoidentificáveis que podem ter um efeito profundo na saúde dosseres humanos. Objetivou-se analisar o estilo de vida dosacadêmicos dos cursos de Educação Física da UniversidadeFederal de Santa Catarina ? Bacharelado e Licenciatura. Oestudo utilizou dois inquéritos, o primeiro com 236 acadêmicosde educação física, sendo 109 do sexo feminino, 127 domasculino, com 112 acadêmicos do Bacharelado e 124 daLicenciatura e o segundo com 757 acadêmicos de outros centrosde ensino, além dos da educação física. Para a avaliação doestilo de vida foi usado o questionário ?Estilo de Vida Fantástico?.Para a análise dos dados foi empregada a estatística descritiva epara verificar a associação do estilo de vida global e seusdomínios com o sexo e com a habilitação, foram realizados ostestes ?Qui-quadrado? e o teste ?Exato de Fisher?, sendoconsiderado um nível de significância de 5% (pAbstract : Lifestyle is characterized by identifiable behavior patterns thatmay have a deep effect over human health. The present studyaimed to analyze the Santa Catarina Federal University PhysicalEducation (PE) graduation students? lifestyle ? from both bachelorand teaching degrees. It was employed two investigations: thefirst one, with 236 PE students (109 females and 127 males) frombachelor degree (112) and teaching degree (124). The secondone investigated 757 academics from other university coursesother than the before mentioned PE students. The "FantasticLifestyle" questionnaire was employed in order to assess theacademics? lifestyle. In the data analysis, it was employeddescriptive statistics and, to verify the association between globallifestyle and its domains with sex and university coursehabilitation the ?Qui-square? and ?Fisher?s Exact? tests wereapplied, with a 5% (p<0,05) significance level. In the secondinvestigation, it was used the binary logistic regression, adjustedby the exploratory variables (sex, age, remunerated job, mother?seducation level, classes period and marital status) to estimate theodds ratio and the 95% confidence interval. It was observed thatthe global lifestyle showed low inadequacy levels (3,0%), but,when its dimensions were analyzed, it was found highinadequacy levels in the factors Physical Activity (46%), Nutrition(18%), Alcohol (44%), Behavior (40,3%) and Introspection (26%).When lifestyle and its dimensions were compared according tothe sex variable, women showed both inadequate global lifestyle(p=0.04) and Introspection factor (p=0.02), and men showedinadequate levels in two dimensions: Alcohol (p=0.01) and Work(p=0.01). When comparing lifestyle and its factors according tothe students? habilitation degrees, the teaching degree academicsshowed inadequacy levels in Physical Activity (p=0.05) and thebachelor degree students showed inadequate levels in theSleeping, Seatbelt, Stress and Safe Sex dimensions (p=0.05).When comparing the PE academics with other university12academics, teaching degree students showed inadequacy in thePhysical Activity factor (p=0.05) and bachelor degree academicshad inadequate levels in the Sleeping, Seatbelt, Stress and SafeSex dimensions (p=0.05). When comparing these students withacademics from other university courses, male students fromExact, Agro, Earth and Engineering sciences; Applied SocialSciences; Human, Linguistic, Language and Arts Sciences(p=0.05) showed higher probability of global lifestyle inadequacy.In the dimensions of Nutrition (p<0.01), Tobacco and Narcotics(p<0.01) and Behavior Type (p<0.01), non-PE students showedmore inadequacy probability. The female non-PE studentsshowed higher inadequacy probability in the Physical Activity(p<0.01) and Nutrition (p=0.02) dimensions, and lowerinadequacy probability in the Alcohol factor (p<0.01). Consideringthe present results, it is possible to infer that there is inadequacyin the PE students global lifestyle and also in the followingdimensions: Physical Activity, Alcohol, Sleeping, Seatbelt, Stressand Safe Sex; Introspection and Work

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