Reklama a vývoj techologií


This bachelor thesis deal with the changes of advertising and its evolution based on technological progress. It sums up the development since its birth until today. It's devided into the three main time spaces: Advertising till the Industrial revolution, since the Industrial revolution until the come of IT and since the age of computers until today with the future prospects. All that is processed with the use of milestones mostly in form of arising importance of inventions and birth of mediums during particular times. I tried to make my thesis chronologically as sequenced as possible but due to the fact that the technologies and mediums were not all invented one by one but often came into existence simultaneously, some of the chapters are written retrospectively with effort to preserve continuity in text as much as possible. What would advertising look like without all the inventions a man discovered? Would that be that effective? The goal of this thesis is to summarize the evolution of advertising from its beginning and to point out its possibilities and changes it underwent over the time depending on technological progress. It shall prove we're living in the age of technological determinism which influenced the development of not only advertising but whole society to some serious extent. The thesis is supplemented by many examples of specific adverts. I believe it may serve to people as a brief overview of the evolution of advertising and as an orientation in the advertising branch in terms of technology

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