Microcrystalline diamond finds several applications due to its high hardness but also as electronic and optical devices. However, its roughness makes some applications like tribology, emission cathodes for flat panel displays, optical coatings and emerging Nano/Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (N/MEMS) difficult. A major advance was achieved in early 90ties when the crystalline size was decreased from down to nanometers. However, the processes leading to the deposition of small grain-sized diamond films are not yet properly understood and these films exhibit different properties and morphology depending on the method of preparation. Therefore, the nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) covers very different materials such as columnary grown films with the grain sizes usually quoted below 100 nm (but 30 nm are nowadays possible)and continuous dense coatings with grain sizes reaching 5-15 nm grown under high re-nucleation rates