Technical resources for educational support of students with handicap


This paper deals with evaluation of quality of technical resources to support education of students with handicap at computers. This work aims to map and asses' quality and market appeal of common technical resources for home usage with opinion on less common technical resources for average user and at same time with respect for students with handicap. This publication is divided into four logical parts. First part is devoted to theoretical approach into field of handicaps. From nature of illnesses and handicaps result essential facts, that affects using computers by users with handicap. At the end of this section are noted appropriate ways of using computers. Second part attends to financial seriousness when buying technical resources in this field of purpose. Third section briefly describe method of evaluating products based on first part and define criterion which reflects facts of relevant handicap and at same time also demands of common human user. Fourth part concludes mapping and delivers assessment of chosen products. Publication is completed by trends and facts that affect present market with technical resources

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