
Haldane phase in one-dimensional topological Kondo insulators


We investigate the groundstate properties of a recently proposed model for a topological Kondo insulator in one dimension (i.e., the pp-wave Kondo-Heisenberg lattice model) by means of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method. The non-standard Kondo interaction in this model is different from the usual (i.e., local) Kondo interaction in that the localized spins couple to the "pp-wave" spin density of conduction electrons, inducing a topologically non-trivial insulating groundstate. Based on the analysis of the charge- and spin-excitation gaps, the string order parameter, and the spin profile in the groundstate, we show that, at half-filling and low energies, the system is in the Haldane phase and hosts topologically protected spin-1/2 end-states. Beyond its intrinsic interest as a useful "toy-model" to understand the effects of strong correlations on topological insulators, we show that the pp-wave Kondo-Heisenberg model can be implemented in pp-band optical lattices loaded with ultra-cold Fermi gases.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 appendi

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