
Checking Interaction-Based Declassification Policies for Android Using Symbolic Execution


Mobile apps can access a wide variety of secure information, such as contacts and location. However, current mobile platforms include only coarse access control mechanisms to protect such data. In this paper, we introduce interaction-based declassification policies, in which the user's interactions with the app constrain the release of sensitive information. Our policies are defined extensionally, so as to be independent of the app's implementation, based on sequences of security-relevant events that occur in app runs. Policies use LTL formulae to precisely specify which secret inputs, read at which times, may be released. We formalize a semantic security condition, interaction-based noninterference, to define our policies precisely. Finally, we describe a prototype tool that uses symbolic execution to check interaction-based declassification policies for Android, and we show that it enforces policies correctly on a set of apps.Comment: This research was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1064997 and 1421373, AFOSR grants FA9550-12-1-0334 and FA9550-14-1-0334, a partnership between UMIACS and the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences, and the National Security Agenc

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