
Characterization Conditions and the Numerical Index


In this paper we survey some recent results concerning the numerical index n(β‹…)n(\cdot) for large classes of Banach spaces, including vector valued β„“p\ell_p-spaces and β„“p\ell_p-sums of Banach spaces where 1≀p<∞1\leq p < \infty. In particular by defining two conditions on a norm of a Banach space XX, namely a Local Characterization Condition (LCC) and a Global Characterization Condition (GCC), we are able to show that if a norm on XX satisfies the (LCC), then n(X)=lim⁑mn(Xm).n(X) = \displaystyle\lim_m n(X_m). For the case in which N \mathbb{N} is replaced by a directed, infinite set SS, we will prove an analogous result for XX satisfying the (GCC). Our approach is motivated by the fact that n(Lp(ΞΌ,X))=n(β„“p(X))=lim⁑mn(β„“pm(X)) n(L_p(\mu, X))= n(\ell_p(X)) = \displaystyle \lim_m n(\ell_p^m (X)) \cite {aga-ed-kham}.Comment: 17 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1106.482

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