
Provenance-Aware Sensor Data Storage


Sensor network data has both historical and realtime value. Making historical sensor data useful, in particular, requires storage, naming, and indexing. Sensor data presents new challenges in these areas. Such data is location-specific but also distributed; it is collected in a particular physical location and may be most useful there, but it has additional value when combined with other sensor data collections in a larger distributed system. Thus, arranging location-sensitive peer-to-peer storage is one challenge. Sensor data sets do not have obvious names, so naming them in a globally useful fashion is another challenge. The last challenge arises from the need to index these sensor data sets to make them searchable. The key to sensor data identity is provenance, the full history or lineage of the data. We show how provenance addresses the naming and indexing issues and then present a research agenda for constructing distributed, indexed repositories of sensor data.Engineering and Applied Science

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