
Research and breeding for mechanical culture of rice in Surinam


Ten Have described the results of research on cultural practices and breeding work, on the very heavy clay soils of the Prince Bernhard Polder and the Wageningen Project during the years 1952 to 1965. The chapters are: Introduction, Surface and underground drainage, Tillage and seedbed preparation, Sowing, The optimum seed rate, Water management, Weed Control, Fertilizers, Control of diseases and pests, The cropping system, Effect of harvesting date on some characteristics of the grain, Research into some quality characteristics of the grain, and Breeding.Much attention was given to the problems inherent in the cultivation of two rice crops per year and to the development of varieties with a favourable response to nitrogen. This extensive study is not confined to mechanical culture of rice but also provides much valuable information on the more conventional methods of growing rice in the tropics

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