Assessment Of Production Potentials And Constraaints Of Mango (Mangifera INDICA) At Bati, Oromia Zone, Ethiopia


Production potentials and constraints of mango were assessed at Bati wereda, Oromiya zone, Ethiopia in 2013 using data from sixty randomly selected mango producers in the area. Data were collected using questionnaire and focus group discussion. The result revealed that most of the producers belonged to the age group of 41-50 (28.3%) and 31-40 (266.7%). 95% of the producers were male and the rest 5% were female. Analysis of production system revealed that 90% of the respondents do not use fertilizer; the only 10% of the respondents do use organic fertilizer. All of the respondents use irrigation water; however the source, quantity and quality differ from farm to farm. 85% of the respondents replied that they did not control diseases except birds during the time of fruit maturation. Most of the respondents (95%) did not practice pruning. The orchards branch is so large and weak to support the fruit. Fifty percent of the respondent replied that they harvest the fruit at peak maturity but 33.33% of the respondents replied that the fruit harvest before peak maturity and only 16.67% response that the fruit harvest after peak maturity. The majority of the respondents (46.67) replied that all the listed factors (irrigation water scarcity, pest and disease and technology limitation) can influence the production of mango. The majority of the respondents (66.67) replied that hand picking method of harvesting produce and maintains good quality of fruit and protects the fruit from mechanical damage. Most of the respondents (30%) replied that all the listed (birds, wind, wounding, maturity stage and micro organisms) are major causes of mango production loss. 26.67%, 23.33%, 6.67%, 8.33% and 5% of the respondents response that birds, wind, wounding, microorganisms and maturity stage are the main causes of loss on mango respectively. Most of the respondents (45.00%) replied that major lost of mango occurs during harvesting and before harvesting. The majority (35) of the respondents use both pack animal and human back and shoulder to transport their produce. Most of the respondents (96.67%) sell their products at nearby local marke

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