Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Ecological Responsibilities: An Evaluation of Pakistani University Students’ Behavioral Intentions Towards Climate Change


Rapid and devastating changes in climate and environment have affected individuals from all around the globe to indulge in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The aim of this research is to evaluate the role of students in climate change mitigation and adaptation by analyzing their behavioral intentions. We incorporated the theory of planned behavior in evaluating the environmental knowledge among university students in Pakistan. The results implicated that the attitudes, societal norms and perceived behavioral control contributes significantly in an individual’s pro-environmental behavioral intentions. Additionally, education was found to be contributing merely in building attitudes towards pro-environmental behaviors. However the societal norms and individual’s perceived behavioral control were found to be less influenced by the educational background of individuals.This research provides strategic policy suggestions in face of formulating encouraging engagement in deliberative discussions, interaction with scientists, and formulation of community projects to induce education, resources and opportunities which can be beneficial in changing behaviors of individuals on a larger scale in society

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