Uporedni prikaz antimikrobne aktivnosti srodnih Co(II)/Cu(II) kompleksa


The aim of this paper is to compare the efficiency of some analogue of Co (II) and Cu (II) complexes to bacteria pathogenic to humans, which can contaminate vegetables and fruit at any stage of its production. The complexes of Cu(II) and Co(II) with N, N’, N’’, N’’’ - tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) -1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (tpmc) and various additional ligands were tested against Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria and some strains of fungi. As a control group the free salts of Co(II) and Cu(II) which were used as starting substances in the synthesis, as well as ligands and solvents were tested. The minimum inhibition concentrations suppressing the visible growth of bacteria (MIC) were also screened. Investigated complexes showed a moderate activity against strains of bacteria. Complexes of Co(II) generally showed higher activity then Cu(II) analogues. Under the same conditions and the same concentrations, the control group showed no activity. No compound showed antifungal activity.Cilj ovog rada je poređenje efikasnosti nekih analognih kompleksa Co(II) i Cu(II) na bakterijske vrste patogene za čoveka koje mogu kontaminirati povrće i voće u bilo kojoj fazi njegove proizvodnje. Kompleksi Cu (II) i Co (II) sa N, N’, N’’, N’’’ - tetrakis (2-piridilmetil) -1,4,8,11-tetraazaciklotetradekanom (tpmc) i različitim dodatnim ligandima su testirani na Gram (+) i Gram (-) bakterije i neke sojeve gljiva. Kao kontrolna grupa su testirane i proste soli Co(II) i Cu(II) koje su korišćene kao polazne supstance u sintezi kao i ligandi i rastvarači. Određene su minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIC) koje sprečavaju rast mikroorganizama. Ispitivani kompleksi pokazuju umerenu aktivnost prema sojevima bakterija. Kompleksi Co(II) su pokazali generalno već u aktivnost u odnosu na Cu (II) analoge. Pod istim uslovima i u primenjenim istim koncentracijama kontrolne grupe nisu pokazale aktivnost. Nijedno jedinjenje nije ispoljilo antigljivično dejstvo

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