The determination of lead in wines of different origin was performed by means of atomic emission spectroscopy with argon stabilized DC. U-shaped arc and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The comparison of the results obtained by the direct and standard addition method has indicated the presence of a depressive effect of the complex organic matrix. The effect is avoided successfully by mineralization, as well as by dissolution of the samples. Thus, a relative simple but precise and sensitive method involving the application of a stabilized arc and photoelectric detection with time integration of the emission signals is recommended for the determination of low concentrations of lead in wines. The complex organic matrix was investigated by recording the IR spectra of different wine fractions.Određivanje olova u vinima različitog porekla vršeno je primenom atomske emisione spektroskopije sa argonom stabilisanim lukom U-oblika i atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije sa grafitnom kivetom. Poređenje rezultata dobijenih direktnom i metodom standardnog dodatka pokazalo je da postoji znatan depresivni efekat složene organske osnove. Efekat je uspešno izbegnut mineralizacijom ili razblaženjem uzorka. Kombinacijom razblaženja uzorka i primenom stabilizovanog luka i fotoelektrične detekcije sa vremenskom integraciijom emisionih signala razvijena je jednostavna i precizna metoda za određeivanje niskih koncentracija olova u vinima. Kompleksan organski matriks ispitivan je snimanjem IC spektara različitih frakcija vina