Perceived Speaking Up as a Stressor for Coworkers in a Social Network Context: A Dual Process Examination


This research proposal will explore the coworker-related outcomes of perceived employee speaking up which can be viewed as a stressor for coworkers in workplace. Within a team, voice behavior can make changes for the status quo and even upset others (LePine & Van Dyne, 1998). We want to examine how voicing may influence coworkers’ job attitude and behavior in a social network context. Specifically, this study introduces the dual process model of coping theory to employee voice behavior literature to construct longitudinal mediational mechanism underlying the relationship between perceived speaking up toward supervisor and coworker outcomes like job performance and satisfaction. Integrating with social exchange theory, this study adds coworker exchange as a moderator for the mediating effects. This quality of coworker exchange may influence coworkers to adopt different coping strategies (problem solving focused coping vs. emotion focused coping) to respond perceived speaking up toward supervisor

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