Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition


The demand for Information Systems (IS) graduates with expertise in Structured Query Language (SQL) and database management is vast and projected to increase as ‘big data’ becomes ubiquitous. To prepare students to solve complex problems in a data-driven world, educators must explore instructional strategies to help link prior knowledge to new knowledge. This study examined learning styles and the perceived benefits of analogical problem construction on SQL knowledge acquisition. The data collected from 80 participants suggests there is a perceived positive benefit to using analogical problem construction for learning introductory database concepts. The learning style of the majority of students in the sample is ‘Active-Sensing-Visual-Sequential.’ However, learning styles were not related to student perceived impact of analogical problem construction to understand database concepts. Student analogies were collected for a variety of SQL concepts; noteworthy examples are highlighted. While results related to learning styles are intriguing, the most promising path for further exploration (for both research and practice) is the use of analogy problem construction in Information Systems educational environments

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