
Zur methodik der ninhydrinreaktion und papierchromatographie im zusammenhang mit untersuchungen uber gerinnungsphysiologisch interessierende phosphatide


In view of other researches, the authors have studied the ninhydrin reaktion in order to obtain evidence of free amino-N of phosphatides and their fission products. Apart from the study of paper chromatography of nitrogenated lipoids, the details of general interest are given of the technique used by the authors. Description is given of a series of experiments of paper chromatography with cephaline, more or less purified by precipitation or dialysis, and with preparations made amino-free by the method of VAN SLYKE, before and after hydrolysis. Glutamic acid and sphingosine have been found in the hydrolysates along with cholamine and serine. The results could be explained, according to the Discussion, by the hypothesis of disposed phosphatides in chain or ring form. The authors have also proved the presence in the phosphatides of bound amino-N which cannot be eliminated by VAN SLYKE 's method; and thus they have given an explanation of the fact observed previously that the determination of amino-N by VAN SLYKE gives higher values in the phosphatides before hydrolysis than after hydrolysis

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