Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Conversational Agents for children with autism


Conversational agents has emerged as a new means of communication and social skills training for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), encouraging academia, industry, and therapeutic centres to investigate it further. This paper aims to develop a methodological framework based on Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to identify the best , i.e. the most effective, conversational agent for this target group. To our knowledge, it is the first time the MCDA is applied to this specific domain. Our contribution is twofold: i) our method is an extension of traditional MCDA and we exemplify how to apply it to decision making process related to CA for person with autism: a methodological result that would be adopted for a broader range of technologies for person with impairments similar to ASD; ii) our results, based on the above mentioned method, suggest that Embodied Conversational Agent is most appropriate conversational technology to interact with children with ASD

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