Toward Kansei Engineering Model in Service Design: Interaction for Experience in Virtual Learning Environment


Service design is an emerging trend shifting from product design era. Internet provides effective and efficient service media reaching customer at the exact time. Online media has become social network providing wide opportunity for business, pleasures, and education. This study is focusing on applying kansei engineering model for service design in virtual learning environment (VLE) as learning is concerning with experiencing the process. Various virtual world studies discover that VLE can provide powerful experience in learning. On the other hand, learning styles and learning space potentially enhance experiential learning. Experiential learning theory defines learning process as transformation process from experience to knowledge. Experience is one of important element in service design principle. In addition, experience can be engineered by utilizing kansei engineering approach. Therefore, experience can be designed and engineered to achieve knowledge as service result. This study expected can guide service designers and learning curriculum designer in designing effective experiential learning method. The model developed from the analyzing and reviewing literature shows that kansei engineering can be utilized in experiential transformation process into knowledge and also in service in learning theory context

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